Monday, June 28, 2010

The wine of your presence

Walking along the sea shore, I came across many a column
They looked breathtaking in the setting sun

I was seeking you of course
I had gone off course

The beautiful palace has now crumbled
These ruins to me a person reminded

None other than me was that person
I was like those ruins in the setting sun

The ruins were bereft of the beauty of the palace
I was bereft of the beauty of your presence

When I was roaming with thirst once
You made me drunk by the wine of your presence

Your remembrance makes me drunk
And yet I am thirsty and need more to drink

This thirst cannot be quenched
Until you can be reached

It is already night and ahead I cannot see
Until morning by the ruins I must lie

Somewhere I can see in the distance
Proof of your presence

For see the stars and the moon light
Pales in comparison to your presence bright

When I see you the ruins disappear
Only a beautiful palace does appear

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