Monday, June 21, 2010

Anal-Haq (I am the Truth)

On a starry night in a trance
Hallaj declares Anal Haq (I am the Truth) and sticks to his stance

The Wali who sleeps in Ajmer weeps for him
So does Jelaluddin from the kingdom of Rum

So does Shams of Tabriz of Rumi within
Was the Abbasid Caliph possessed by the Jinn?

What he sought was unity with his beloved
Attained the same and was relieved

Died at the pyre on his face with a smile
Did not affect him of the ignorant the guile

Was he not there before he was born
Was he absent after he was torn

As he said Anal Haq ever present
Was heretic to the star and the crescent

Boundaries none he has in the Universe
To seek him look in direction reverse

Where is he and where am i?
I look for him with the inner eye

Only to find that I am he
Only to find that he is me

Where is the question of his being a martyr
He is every present before and after

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