Friday, June 4, 2010

My way is the only way!

My way is the only way
There is no other way

The jackal does not follow my way
Nor does the horse for he eats only hay

Are the rivers and oceans different
Even though they are of the same element

They flow and flow but in a different path
To them awaits a fate worse than death

Only do I deserve to enter heaven
Every one else follow the demon

Only I have the right to live
To only my kind, charity I must give

I must bring everyone on my road
Only then will they live in the right mode

Those travelling on a different road I despise
On the destination, only I have expertise

When I see people coming with me
I look at them full of glee

But those who another path choose
Should be bought on my path with a noose

Use money, use violence, use love
Make the eagle out of a dove

Finally when I reached the end of the road
Found I was in a despised road

Those who travelled on one road
Thinking it to be no different from any other road

Reached the destination in time
Crossed they all the seven clime

Those who thought my way is the only way
Ultimately blended into their despised way



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