Tuesday, June 15, 2010


The very urge to reach the destination makes me immovable
The very urge to express myself keeps me silent

The very urge to feed myself keeps me hungry
The very urge to sate myself keeps me thirsty

Why is it like this, I cannot understand
All the world around me seems to go Topsy-turvy

In this there is only one thing that is still
Immense treasure our coffers it can fill

I gaze at you with all this that I crave
Tenfold consolation and sympathy I receive

Wave upon wave of love in which I submerge
If only for a moment I seem to enlarge

In the sky, water and air am I
I am always under the gaze of your eye

Why do I crave for anything else
You are the source of everything else

Help me towards what I truly crave
Even though I may be a knave

Fill me with waters of love from everywhere
Let me seek nothing elsewhere



Why pray, do you fear?  Why do your limbs shudder?  Do you fear losing something or someone? Do you fear temporal and spatial se...