Friday, April 22, 2011


One night, fast asleep I saw you in my mind's eye
And made me feel the world around is a dream

Thirsty was I for your presence
I went in search everywhere

I went through tomes of knowledge
From many libraries in the world

I tried to learn how to sate this thirst
Went on learning  how to gain the water of knowledge

Proud of this knowledge I sat on a high wall
And tried to gauge where the water was

But water has this tendency
To flow to a lower level

Hence I found that from the high wall
The water of knowledge was inaccessible

Hence I got down from the wall
And quenched my thirst

He who comes down to the least level
He has his thirst quenched

And he who remains on the high wall
He will remain thirsty forever

It is enough if one knows this
In the quest for one's beloved

Mere bookish knowledge will do no good
Humility of going to the lowest level is everything


  1. No words!!! What can I say? It's beautiful :)

  2. Very good Sharath. I'll not be surprised if you release a book on poetry very soon.


  3. Thank you so much Meena :) .. You are too kind :) .. It is all by Sai's grace :)



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