Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I search for your ship

I was sailing on placid waters
Until I saw the sails of your ship

With your well equipped magazine you attacked
Doing irreparable damage to my ship

Your blows smashed many of my crew into smithereens
Many were forced to go to Davy Jones Locker

After the attack you just left me
In the vast sea hapless

Suddenly the waters turned violent
There were claps of thunder and heavy rains

Wet and hungry I was sailing alone
Searching for your ship

For I knew that only in your ship
Can I sail safely ashore

But I continue to sail in the rickety ship
Afraid of the sea monsters of the deep

I search for your ship with pearly white sails
A steady ship is yours in the roughest of waters

The beauty of your ship alone fuels your magazine
No ship can withstand your naval onslaught

I seek to work under your command
In your ship to sail till death do us part

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