Saturday, July 24, 2010

I call you

My voice is so feeble
And yet I gather all my strength

And call you at the top of my voice
And yet it never seems to reach you

There seems to be mountains
And streams and forests between us

The distance is enormous
And yet I try to reach you

Sometimes during a new moon night
When your beautiful light shines forth

I see you from this great distance
And then the light vanishes as

You go inside your house
And lock all doors

The momentary bright light is blinding
And what follows is a long period of darkness

Even though you have closed all doors
Your light filters through the corners

This light is so beautiful that
I leave all and run behind it

But I know not how great
A distance I have to travel

I wish you would come halfway
across to meet me, but you do not!

I travel alone towards you
And It seems verily so

That I have been walking
Since eternity, but you are still

So far away, that I feel dejected
I then see your light again

And then I again pack my belongings
And walk towards your dwelling

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