Monday, August 24, 2015

Placid silence

In midst of the din of the market
I maintained a placid silence

Surrounded by tumultuous environment
I stayed the same deep, still lake

This is because I have
seen the beloved's beauty
That the world around me is as good as blurred images

I do not hear the cacophony around me
Because your sweet voice permeates my being

I do not see the lashing waves of rage and jealousy
Since I have drowned in calm waters of your goodness

I do not see the ruins of civilizations around me
For my gaze falls only upon your shrine towering above all else

I refuse to feel the hatred of the merchants peddling their goods
Since only your love pulsates with my every breath

As I gaze upon the spire of your shrine kissing the sky
I whirl intoxicated under the starry sky in your court yard

1 comment:

  1. That silence is pure bliss...:-)
    Jai Sairam



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