Friday, July 31, 2015

The deep longing!

The lover goes through a million tortures
To which the world, including the beloved is oblivious

I continue screaming in pain, waiting to be heard
To be healed in the soothing presence of the beloved

And yet you hear me not! Why am I subject to this pain?
I cannot understand in this transaction your gain?

Lovers have long sung painful ballads to please their beloved
And yet these ballads are only read by those with unrequited wishes

Writhing in agony and pain, I tread this thorny path
Hoping that your presence will ease this torture's wrath

The hope of being in your divine arms overpowers all other feelings
It numbs the pain and makes me move on and on

The fakir asks me, "How much do you love the beloved?"
"Measure and let me know" . I try to find something of equal proportions

I find that this love is as unbounded as the Universe itself
And is as ageless as the onlooker who created this vast existence

Hear my painful cries at least once, oh beloved!
You will fell the deep longing in my heart

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Unrequited wishes

I roam the wilderness in darkness pitch black
Looking for Love and care of my beloved 

The children of the village make fun of me
The people think I am lost to insanity 

I have tried to explain it to all the people I know 
The lover with unrequited wishes is like one without air

I grope around in the darkness looking for your loving presence
The abrasions from manifold thorns do not feel painful anymore

What is more painful is the thousands of unrequited wishes 
That keep pushing me to the ends of the world 

The fakir asks me to abandon all expectations
And earn your love with due diligence 

I am willing to travel all the uncharted territories 
To nurse my wounds in your loving arms

Saturday, July 18, 2015

healing balm

Without you this world feels drab
Without you this life feels worthless

Without you the air feels lifeless
Without you the surroundings feel colorless

Without you each and every heartbeat feels painful
Without you even the best music feels like cacophony

Without you days do not seem bright
Without you nights do not feel warm

Losing prudence and judgement I have become
A prisoner desperately longing for you

And yet none of this makes sense to anyone but me
On whose shoulder shall I lean on?

In front of whom shall I cry?
Who would be fit enough to hear about this intense pain

I wait for the healing balm of your beautiful presence
In the infirmary for the love lorn

I wait for your warm embrace,
In the intolerably cold lonely night!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

look into the gateways of my soul

As I sat one evening gazing listlessly
At the beauty of the endless night sky

My beloved said "hearken unto me"
And showed me images of my youthful beauty

Lost were those glorious manes, why oh why
In the bygone era was the face so fair and unmarred 

As I sat unable to fathom the meaning of it all
Remembering the good old days when victory was at my feet

Then came to my mind the dark days when things fell asunder
Battered and bruised was I by many a storm

And yet as I returned home shipwrecked and heart broken
Your presence was a healing balm to all my woes

And yet you show me pictures from ages ago
Look deep into my pain filled eyes I say

And do you not see the same set of eyes
Look into the gateways to my soul, to see how deep is my love for you! 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Cottage of Love

I have soared the skies of love
In your blessed company

I have sunk to the deepest depths of agony
In even a moment's seperation from you

The sane people of the town do not understand
The waxing and waning of a lover's heart

None but I can understand this pain
My heart cries tears like rain

Thorniest are the paths the lovers take
To hold the beloved in their arms

However painful the path, the drunkard does not care
He would go to any lengths to lose his sobriety

Stay by me and soothe my aching heart
For all other medicines are sold by quacks

For your sake I drowned my capriciousness in the sea
And built the cottage of love in my heart for you to stay


Why pray, do you fear?  Why do your limbs shudder?  Do you fear losing something or someone? Do you fear temporal and spatial se...