Thursday, April 12, 2012

The rise of intolerance

Today we received a book that has been lauded by most of the atheists as one of the most unscientific books ever written in the history of human civilization. I do not want to mention the name of the book here for obvious reasons! We had to accept the book as a gift so as to not hurt the religious sentiments of the person who gifted it to us,

The person who presented the book to us, is a good friend of ours. He is quite close to us and my father has helped him quite often. However the place of worship that he visits every week has brainwashed him completely. Once I remember not too long ago, when we offered him prasad (Food consecrated to God) and he refused it, claiming that the religious head at his place of worship had forbidden accepting any prasad from heathens.

Now, when he refuses to accept prasad offered out of pure love and for general weal of all, he is on the contrary bold enough to present us a book professing his faith. It was quite disheartening for me and I even became enraged at this bold act, but I had to keep my cool as I did not want to hurt the sentiments of this long term friend of ours.

Any religious faith emanating from the west professes that their way is the only way! I honestly do not blame our friend for what he did today! He is obviously brainwashed into thinking that the more people he brings into his faith the better. He is told that heathens and pagans like Hindus are being persuaded by the devil to worship false gods!

Any theist with common sense should realize that there is only one god! There is no my god and your god! There is no true god and false god! All worship reaches his feet! As my Sadguru Sai Baba has said "Sabka Malik Ek" (There is only one master for all).

I only blame these religious heads, who preach that their faith is the only faith and thus bring a sort of enmity between people belonging to different faiths. Why not acknowledge that all faiths lead to the one god? Obviously these religious heads have some devious plan. They believe that the more people they bring to their faith, the more the donations they receive.

Whatever be their motivation, they are the true enemies of God and are the agents of the devil. How many innocent lives have been shed in the name of God?  In the guise of religion they are spreading hatred. It is a pity that they claim to worship him who never hurt a fly.

Who can forget the crusades, the Spanish inquisition and the slaughter of innocents by the Portuguese in Goa? I see alarming developments happening and history could possibly repeat itself! I only pray to God that people like my innocent friend do not get brainwashed needlessly and see reason and become more tolerant and loving.

I was reminded again of this poem that I wrote in angusih when I had a similar experience not too long ago!
My way is the only Way!

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