Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs and the iGnorant!

I still remember the day I went on a cruise in San Francisco bay near the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz island. For one thing it was a cold foggy day. I took a couple of great pictures on the trip. One more unforgettable thing happened, when I stood at the ticket counter with my good friend Sujay. The ticket seller or guide (I do not know what he did exactly for a living) was a very loquacious man and went on rambling about something or the other! He probably realized that we were from India, and when giving an analogy said "It's like Mrs.Gandhi is the real ruler of India and Mr.Singh is merely a puppet in her hands..." . I must admit I did not see that coming from him. Was it so apparent that even a guide in a ferry knows about it. Either that, or this was a guide well versed in world affairs. But whatever the talkative guide said was the truth and there was no denying it. This is what makes me despise everything about the ruling UPA govt in India. This is just one of many many reasons. Their pseudo secular policies. Their scams. They are neck deep in corruption. And they want a person who is probably good at nothing to become the future prime minister of India. I am sure many share my opinions and want to get rid of this wicked autocratic regime.

Because of this, I came to know of several people who were quite vocal in their criticism of this current regime. I respected them and started following them on twitter even. But I found a couple of interesting characters about whom I felt I should write a post. Not only are these people hilarious, and end up making a mockery of themselves, but they have an ego as big as the Milky Way.

The first person that I wish to speak about is a person called Vishwabandhu Gupta, a former Income Tax Commissioner. He came to the limelight, when during a rally by Baba Ramdev, he openly declared that most people in the current UPA regime like Chidambaram,Pranab Mukharjee and even Mr.Singh are crooks. He called Pranab da a "Hijda" (eunuch) . I was quite impressed by this speech and started following him on twitter. Many were his tweets about Rahul baba, Antonio Miano, Chidambaram,Pranab Mukhargee. He did not even leave Baba Ramdev (With whom he had shared a stage in Ramlila Maidaan) and Anna Hazare. He suspected them of selling out to the govt and said their character is dheela (Tainted) and started tweeting the lyrics of a popular song "Main karu to saala character dheela hai"! (If I do so, they say my character is tainted). These erratic tweets and conspiracy theories made me doubt his credibility a bit, though I do not doubt his allegations about UPA to be untrue. I think he really became famous with his supposed speech on cloud computing. It was an instantaneous hit on Facebook and many people started sharing the video on facebook and twitter. If you haven't seen it already, watch it and enjoy!!!

I watched this video countless times and laughed to my heart's content. What I find amazing is the confidence with which this man speaks about something about cloud computing about which he hasn't the slightest idea. Bursting with curiosity I went to his twitter timeline. I saw that someone had tweeted "Sir, please take back your comments on cloud computing", to which our scholar had replied "Haha, that was said in good humor. I did not know the talk was getting recorded and would go live". I did not believe in this, but since he is someone who also shares a hatred for the current UPA govt and believing him to be a patriot, I felt I should help him with some good advice. Therefore I tweeted " Sir, perhaps you should give another interview clarifying that the cloud computing concept was mentioned jocularly and that you were just kidding with the interviewer". I do not see any tweets from him after that for a long time. But my friends on Facebook kept talking about more extraordinary conspiracy theories coming from him.  When I went to his profile, my suspicions were confirmed. He had indeed blocked me. In his paranoid head, that concocts a 100 conspiracy theories per second, he probably felt I was in some way connected with the UPA govt or even worse. Probably he thought I am an Italian. If you come home from a hard day's work and find nothing entertaining on TV, follow this guy on Twitter. He is sure to entertain you each and every day. His twitter id is @vbg111.

Now jokes apart. Today was a very sad day for the technology world, and the world at large. Steve Jobs, co-founder, ex-CEO of Apple died today after battling Pancreatic cancer for many years. Now this man needs no introduction to any person who loves technology or gadgets or even anyone who uses any of the amazing devices that this man helped innovate. Who can forget his unforgettable commencement speech at Stanford in 2005. Whenever I am depressed or when life's problems and troubles seemed overwhelming, I used to remember this. It made so much sense. I am sure this is something everyone will have heard, but will still go ahead and share it for those who might have missed it.

Now the man behind the Mac, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. The man behind Pixar. I mean who has done so much for technology as this man has. An extraordinary innovator and a genius.  There are really none like him in our era. His death today saddened me a great deal, as I am sure, it did to most people in the world. I was amazed at how much it saddened me. As a music lover, I bought my first iPod classic in 2007 and absolutely loved it! I bought the iPhone4 the moment I heard I got a job (Which eventually I did not get because of budget reasons.) I guess I was just looking for a reason to lay hands on the iPhone. The job may have got whisked away from me, but the iPhone stayed. I have become so accustomed to using it. Now this man was one of the key reasons why these devices came and revolutionized the world around us. Here was  a man, who brought forth a tablet and created a market where there existed none before. The man deserves respect and notice.

As I was browsing through facebook and twitter reading various tweets and status messages mourning the loss of Steve Jobs, I ran into an interesting tweet "Amazed how some of mature tweeps gets carried away by drama on TV like BB and videshi singer like Steve Jobs… " . Obviously BB refers to an idiotic reality show called Big Boss which deserves all the censure in the Universe and more. Videshi (Means foreigner) singer. So Steve Jobs according to this tweet is just a famous singer from the West. This tweet was by another famous critique (at least on twitter) of the UPA regime called  Vijay Bahadur Singh (Twitter id @vbsingh60). This is how he describes himself on twitter "Supdt. of Customs (Retd.), Legal Practitioner, Awardee of Navleen Kumar Award in 2004, Whistleblower, Anticorruption activists." I was surprised at his ignorance and shocked at the confidence with which he was displaying it on twitter.  According to him no one cares about the poor people in India who are dying every day. Well, I ask you does he? He seems to spend all the time on twitter cursing the UPA govt. How is he helping make the life of the poor any better. And what is wrong in mourning the death of a great man, whoever he is! (Indian or otherwise). Does that make me less patriotic.  Now I found an interesting reply to this tweet of his, which I feel I should share here "@vbsingh60 SirJi, Steve was not singer.He cam to India to meet Neem Karoli Baba and returned as Hindu,later followed Buddhism.True Karmic." Now this was interesting. Baba Neem Karoli was as I know a great saint from UP who  had attained self realization. It was great to hear that Steve had actually met him. Now this should not be a reason alone to mourn his death. But it is one of his many facets, something that I did not know. I knew remotely that he was influenced by Eastern mysticism just like Einstein and Heisenberg.  When I sent out a tweet in reply to this, including Mr.Vb Singh that some people are so confident about their knowledge (Or in this case, ignorance which they think is knowledge) and do not care to open their eyes and learn the truth. That he should be more careful about what he tweets. And lo and behold! What does he do, but block me! 

Two strange people indeed. Both are so vocal about their criticism of the Miano family and the UPA govt (They are one and the same). And I concur with them fully in this criticism. But on certain matters, it surprises me how ignorant they are and how narrow minded they are. They are oblivious to whatever exists in the world, apart from their own worlds of conspiracy theories and hatred. I am glad they blocked me. Following them on twitter and reading their tweets everyday might make one just like them. A frog in a well, who thinks the well is the very universe itself.  I have met a lot of unique people in my life, but these two are so unique and strange that I thought I should mention it in this post. And in ending the post, as a proud Indian, I hope Steve Jobs has reached Nirvana (Since he was apparently a  Buddhist) and has escaped the endless cycle of birth and death. 

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