Thursday, September 29, 2011

Shams of Tabrez

Where do I find you oh Beloved?
Are you in the fabled garden of Eden?

Are you present in a seat in the high heavens?
Or in the very depths of the deepest oceans?

Are you present in the midst of the cave  of Djinns?
Or are you present in thickest of the forests?

Sarmad went in search of you all over
Did not need the robe of ego as a cover

Rumi searched you in until he was in a daze
To find you in the house of Shams of Tabrez

Elusive as the golden stag are you
Appearing and disappearing in cities old and new

You were present in Bhagdad of consciousness
In midst of all the merchants carrying their wares

In the night when the moonlight shone brightly
Over the many shrines and crowded marketplaces

Amidst all this din and fanfare
You were in the house of Shams of Tabrez

Rumi looked all over for Shams
After he had been skinned alive

Only on reaching Damascus did he
Find inside himself thy presence

Hence Mansur said on the Gibbet
That "I am the truth"

He who knows where and who you are
Is immersed in an endless ocean of pure love

Submerged inside the pure waters there is no ocean
Neither is the submerged person who drowned in the ocean

There is you, you and only you!
In the house of Shams of Tabrezi, Rumi found you!

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