Sunday, October 9, 2011

A virtual visit to Egypt

I contemplate quite often on how and where we came from? And where we are heading towards? From antiquity there were various theories that tried to answer these questions. But from them arise only more and more questions. As to the former question, one needs to go to the ancient sites of the world like Giza in Egypt, Harappa and Mohenjadharo in India and Pakistan, Tenochitlan in Mexico, Machu Pichu in Peru, Baalbek in Lebanon and the list goes on and on. An insatiable thirst to find out more about life in antiquity always makes me feel that I should visit these places in life and investigate for myself the mysteries that they present to the world.

Well, I do not know when this dream will be fulfilled. But the next best thing to visiting the actual place would be to talk to people from that place. And where would you find people from almost every part of the world? In United States of America.

And as I was taking a cab to the airport, I struck a conversation with the driver, who was from Egypt. I naturally enquired about the political climate in Egypt after the end of the regime of Hosni Mubaraq. "It is very bad" replied my friend much to my surprise. I thought this is what the Egyptians wanted. They wanted an end to the long reign of Mubaraq. This was very much apparent in the huge number of people gathered in protest at Tahir Square in Cairo. "Why is it so? Is the interim government now entirely a military one? Are they violating any human rights? I thought there would be a slow transition to democray?". "The military government is not able to control everything that is happening in the country. There is a lot of looting and violence happening in villages and cities. The military cannot control everything. There is no police like there was during Mubarak's time. Also I fear the rise of Muslim brotherhood!" said he.

Oh yes! The famous Muslim brotherhood. Many were skeptical about their rise in prominence. Whilest claiming to be a moderate group opposed to the violent form of Islam practiced by Taliban and Al-Queda, they still want Sharia to be imposed in Egypt. Many find their rise in prominance to be alarming. Sharia could be a curse to women and minority religions. The coptic Christians living in Egypt are alredy fearful of the developments. "The Muslim brotherhood, if they come to power, they will say get rid of cell phones and other forms of communication because they are anti-Islamic. They will say let us use good old pigeons for sending and recieving letters". This was indeed the mode of communication that the early Muslim rulers of Egypt were using. However I found it hard to beleve that the Muslim brotherhood will be that illogical. They do not seem that hardline to me. However, who knows? Maybe the cab driver is right.

"During the holy month of Ramzan, the Muslim brotherhood opened grocery stores in all villages. They were selling everything at half price. Rice, chicken , vegetables etc everything was at half price. They are winning over the villagers. What do the villagers care about Sharia or no Sharia. They want food, water etc. They get it cheap during Ramzan, they are impressed. I know not where the Muslim brotherhood gets the money to do such 'Chariatable acts'".

"Maybe from the Sheiqs in Soudi Arabia? Probably the Wahabi fundamentals from Soudi,Yemen etc? " . "Maybe!" agreed the driver. "The most fearful thing is, if the Muslim brotherhood were to come to power, they would urge all the Arab nations to wage war against Isreal! That is scary. It would disturb the peace in the Middle east. Mubaraq somehow maintained peace with Isreal."

Now the ramifications of the rise of Muslim brotherhood hit me. Any war in the region could well turn into a third world war. The last thing we want in this world is war. I certainly do hope that the muslim brotherhood never comes to power. Of course, for all we know, the Muslim brotherhood may be a benign and peaceful organization. But if the words of our friend is to be believed, they are not! What might happen in the future only time will tell.

I will continue from this virtual visit to Egypt to a very real visit to Wall Street, the concrete jungle in New York city.

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