Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The depth of this love!

I tried to fathom the depth of this love
To find something similar in nature

The love that Laila and Majnun had
Pales in significance with this love

For Laila wanted Majnun and vice Versa
There was always selfish interest involved

The love that the bee has for the flower
Is also for the nectar within

Or is it similar to the intoxication of
Shams and Rumi for their beloved

And yet this love is beyond the
Whirling of Dervesh in divine love

Is it similar to the love of Tukoba and Ghora
Damaji Pant and Namadeva for Panduranga

No I think it is the love the beloved had
For Rumi and Shams and Mansur and Ali

It is the love that Vitoba had for
Jnanadeva,Nivritthi,Ghora and Tukoba

This only can explain superficially
Like the tip of an iceberg

The love that the parents feel
For their children day and night

One might as well measure the depth of the seven seas
Or measure the expanse of the skies above

But one cannot I realized measure
The divine parents care and love

--Dedicated to my parents



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