Monday, April 4, 2011

Without abandon!

Loved you have I, without abandon
And yet you seem as distant as the stars in the heavens

I thought you were the oasis
But you turned out to be a mirage

I looked to your lighthouse for guidance in the rough seas
Yet your intense rays incarcerated my ship

I sought shade under your tree
And yet that very tree collapsed on me

The cow ran from the tiger
Only to run into a butcher

I ran into the house seeking shelter from the storm
Only to have it collapse on me

The sparrow came out to catch a worm
Only to be snatched and ripped apart by the hawk

I came looking for your healing balm
Only to get searing pain in return

 I came looking for heaven in your midst
Only to reach the gates of hell instead

And yet I continue treading on the bloody path of thorns
For greater than all this pain and suffering is my love for you

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