Saturday, April 30, 2011

The cottage

I lived in a placid cottage
Next to a still river

When I stood facing the sun
I could see myself in the river

Until you appeared on the horizon
Like dark clouds, precursor to a storm

Thoughts about you blew like a mighty gale
And destroyed the beautiful trees in my garden

You damaged my cottage and made it uninhabitable
The river became so turbulent next to it

That I could not see myself any more in it
The storm of your thoughts stayed right there

It would wax and wane in intensity
But never leave the precincts of my cottage

I then noticed a Neem tree nearby
Seated beneath was a fakir resplendent

I went to him and sat by his side
And told him my tale of woe

He told me let go of the storm
Think only of his Sarkar (Master)

My Sarkar has everything to offer
If you want to cling, cling onto him

I agreed to do what the fakir told me
And asked him to show me his Sarkar

The fakir became my Murshid immediately
And he turned out to be his own Sarkar

Now he became my Sarkar too
Then the Murshid turned towards the gale

With his Satka (Stick) he chased away your thoughts
He then made me sing his name incessantly

Away went the storm without leaving a trace
The cottage became habitable again

Now when I looked in the river
I saw only the fakir in the water

I took him into the cottage
And served his feet with eagerness

At his feet I found all the happiness
There was everything I wanted in there

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