Friday, April 8, 2011

The beauty of my beloved

I travelled to a distant land
And camped in the forest at night

The fox came up to me and said
"Look yonder at the moon in the sky"

"Look at her incomparable beauty" said he
"See how bright she appears tonight"

"She is pretty and a delight to look at" said I
"But she pales in comparison to the beauty of my beloved"

"For see there are craters on the moon " Said I
"But my beloved is blemish free"

Then came the Antelope near the river
"Look at the beauty of the river" said she

"See How cool and soothing are her waters"
"Can there be anything more beautiful than this?"

"She sates the thirst for sure"  Said I
"But the sight of my beloved is more pleasing"

"My beloved's sight makes me forget hunger and thirst"
"So soothing and cool is her presence to me"

"The river with all her beauty still contains impurities"
"Where as my beloved's beauty is the most pristine thing in the world"

Then came the great black bear
"Look at the fireflies in the night" said he

"How beautifully they light up the forest"
"Bringing light and destroying darkness"

"They are bright indeed" Said I
"But my beloved is like the sun to me"

"Her presence lights up the entire sky for me"
"There is nothing in this universe brighter than she"

In the morning I met the bee
"Look at the beauty of the rose" said he

"Look at her in full bloom"
"Her beauty and color are vivid and picturesque"

"She is a  divine beauty no doubt" said I
"But my beloved is god's finest creation"

"For there are thorns in the rose too"
"But my beloved is softer than the softest petals"



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