Sunday, September 12, 2010

So far and yet so near

So far are you and yet so near
What makes you such a dear?

I was quite calm and placid
You presence stirred a storm wild

I hid with my eyes closed
Until your storm had passed

In me a feeling new it left
A deep longing was I of your presence bereft

I decided to go in your quest
Many dangers were there I was forewarned

And yet I continue to tread in the forest
Sleepless, without hunger and thirst

However it seems a journey endless
How I wish it was painless

Barefoot I walk on thorns of disappointment
However, towards you I never feel resentment

Sometimes I get tired and sit down to rest
But the sweet breeze of your presence comes to haunt

And onwards towards your palace I continue
I seek it in all places old and new

Only to find it inside my chest
And you enthroned in my heart



Why pray, do you fear?  Why do your limbs shudder?  Do you fear losing something or someone? Do you fear temporal and spatial se...