Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Oasis

I walked alone in the desert heat
My companions were hunger and thirst

I saw your oasis on the way beautiful
Bewitching, was it a mirage or real?

The cool breeze from your garden intoxicated me
Hunger and thirst who were my companions deserted me

As I ran towards your oasis
I could feel unalloyed joy and happiness

But on the tree at the border lives
A terrible ghost full of hate and lies

The ghost had you somehow befriended
And would dance gleefully in your garden unchecked

As I tried to approach your garden
The ghost hurled stones on my person

Hurt I retreated and stood far away
To see if there was some other way

The pain was intense on my part
The wounds were right in my heart

And yet there lies your beautiful oasis
In which dances the ghost with happiness

How I wish I could drive away the ghost
And enter your garden and quench my thirst

For once I enter your garden
I will submerge in the oasis within

And then there is only the garden
It submerges everything within


  1. so you say the ghost is with Him and not You... -:)

  2. There are many dimensions to this..I was talking about how people have prejudices ( Compared to a ghost in here) and are not open to accept a person for what he is... :)



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