Thursday, July 7, 2011

Who art Thou?

As the moon and the stars lit up the night sky
I ambled along the narrow alley intoxicated

Oblivious was I to the hustle and buslte of the city
Ever so busy with merchants and travellers at night

The spire of thy shrine rises at the center of the city
And it seems to raise above all else and kiss the sky

To hear your soft melodious voice oh beloved
Have I turned deaf to the sounds of people around me

Once the lover hears your voice ever so sweet
He wants to do nothing but run towards your feet

In this drunken state my fellow men jeered at me
Hearing them not I heard only thee

I asked you in all eagerness "who are Thou?"
The voice soft as silk replied "Thou"

And continued "The eye with which you see me"
"Is the eye with which I behold Thee"



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