Thursday, August 11, 2011

Before day and night came forth!

The lovers know only your name
But they call out to you in different names

Before day and night came forth
Much before there came knowledge and ignorance

Before life and death came forth
Before one knew happiness and sadness

Before there was prey and predator
Before there was good and bad

When this ground was not there
Nor was there the sky above

There was no sign of the sun or moon
Nor did there shine any stars in the night sky

Before any one was born here
There was a time when no one knew the truth

Then Only you and  you alone existed
The beloved alone was there and none of the lovers existed

How all this materialized only you know
The lovers are just baffled by the world

Why this pain of separation from you?
The world seems like a sharp bed of nails

Why did the son of Haider drink the wine of annihilation?
Why did Shams of Tabrez allow himself to be skinned alive?
What did Mansur say at the Gibbet and why?
Who knows all this but you and only you?

Only these lovers who were lost in your thoughts
Forgot all else and realized there was only you

They realized darkness was just absence of light
And then there was your light and light alone!

--Inspired by the Sufi song "Allah hu Allah hu"

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