Monday, July 4, 2011


I sat under the shade of a tree to avoid
The extreme temperatures of Summer

And yet I saw you for a fleeting moment
To behold you in my eyes forever I left my safe abode

I walked many miles in the merciless heat
Did not know where to seek you or how

Unable to bear the heat of Summer
Parched was my throat for your cool waters

Seeking your stream I crossed mountains and valleys
Finally reached the precincts of your stream

Only to find all the water had dried out
And yet this thirst kills me not

This thirst that remains un-quenched
Makes me always wander like a nomad

The path is burning with heat
Devoid of your cool streams

In this my bare feet burn unceasingly
And yet I hear the trickle of your stream

This dream of submerging in your waters
Keeps me alive in spite of this insatiable thirst

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