Friday, October 30, 2020



I must have committed some heinous crimes

In my past births, verily to suffer thus!

I must have done something bad to you in some lives past

To ensure that you came into my life to make me repent!

Time and again have I groveled at your feet

With the hope that my heart is not shattered into a thousand pieces

But now I had enough of being servile! 

What has to happen must happen!

Like Socrates of Athens before me,

I gladly welcome the hemlock of your tortures

I have become numb to the countless poison darts

That you have kept firing at me mercilessly

I hereby declare that I am a lost soul

Seeking my true destination. 

I have also realized that this is a lonely battle

There is only one seat reserved at Odin's feast in Valhalla!

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