Monday, February 15, 2016


There is this story that is oft referred to, when speaking about someone who's trying to break the shackles that bind him. I think it is from Charles Dickens' 'A tale of two cities', or is it 'Great expectations' I cannot recollect. The story is about a man who has been in solitary confinement since his youth. As an old man, he is released from the dark and dreary cell that has held him all his life. His first reaction when he steps into the sunlight is one of fear and revulsion. The man cannot stand the warm sunlight and the bright colors all around. While the old man's story seems extra ordinary at first sight, isn't this the story of all our lives. Aren't we all, in some way bound in shackles. Afraid! Fear of freedom. Fear of going beyond our comfort zone. Strangely enough many of us continue living life as though all is fine and sundry. A hawk can enlighten the sea gull on the wonders of flying at dizzying heights. Or like the traveler who entertains us with the wondrous sights he has set his eyes upon. Until we meet this traveler, we do not realize that we are struck in an island, separated from so many wonderful things in the universe by that imposing ocean of fear.

I can say that I have met such a celestial traveler, who has chosen to be my best friend and companion for life. It is this angel who showed me there is a vast and wide world out there beyond the confines of the cell in which I have been imprisoned. In a year she patiently showed me the map of the entire prison where I am confined. She showed me the chains of fear and anxiety that are tied around my feet. I beheld the still image of my body, petrified like a sculpture unable to move anywhere but within the innards of the giant beast which is my own little world. But once you get a taste of freedom, once you know how it feels to live fearlessly and within God's embrace, would you still choose the prison of fear and illogical love? I think not.

I can only say that I am eternally grateful to the Lord God, for bestowing me with such a wonderful soul mate. I can see the shores of freedom from my raft, which I have set adrift in this ocean of fear. I can see the fair wind of my beloved's love pulling me towards greatness. Independence, here I come! 


  1. Dear Sharathji,

    So happy to see this post! You are lucky to have a magnificent spirited soulmate. May your journey towards the luminous shores of freedom be filled with the great joy of self-learning. I am sure your life will be so much the richer for it.

    Warm Regards,

  2. Dear Inchara ji,

    Thank you so much for the kind comments and wishes :) I am truly blessed to have well wishers such as yourself.

    Thanks and Regards




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