Thursday, March 10, 2016

Cosmic Symphony

The mellow sun smiled down upon the green earth
The cool breeze pleased the trees to no end

They swayed and nodded as though dancing in tune
To the silent beautiful music that played out

As I walked in the pathway that resembled a green carpet
Eager to share this cosmic symphony with the beloved

The birds chirped in glee at the onset of this beautiful evening
The cat looked at them with hungry eyes, but then remained immobile

The squirrel ran up the tree to cuddle his mate
The ears on the hares were erect as they looked everywhere in rapt attention

For everyone was spell bound by the beauty of the evening
The smell of earth was all around wafting through the air

It was then that I beheld you in all your glory
Walking towards me, It felt like bliss had descended on me in torrents

My hurried steps tried to match yours as we ran towards each other
Like two oceans merging into one we walked into each other's arms

The rest of the world was forgotten in your heavenly clasp
As day metamorphosed into night the two of us merged into one!

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