Monday, December 28, 2015

The song of silence

As I ambled along the narrow streets
Barely able to keep my balance

I was considered wise beyond my age
My intoxicated silence was considered a magnum opus

The moment I became sober and opened my mouth
I became a heretic of the worst kind and was outlawed

The gates of the temple were shut to my sober self
The only way to get back inside was through the tavern

As I observed the world balancing on a knife's edge
I was considered an extraordinary intellect

I slipped and fell when I opened my mouth
Then I was laughed upon as the greatest dullard

oh my tongue, why dost thou speak when no one cares to listen
Just stop your functioning and let this mute spectator become a hero

In this universe words of love are looked upon with scorn
Mistakes are never forgiven and you are made to pay

Listen oh heart, why dost thou expect pleasure from the beloved
When all that is in store for you is fiery arrows of a thousand deaths

An ugly duckling and a misfit is all I can be here in the waking world
The finest wine from the fakir's tavern can make me a wise sage

The drunkenness is most welcome in this world of the sane
My silence will become the greatest love song ever sung!

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