Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Lost and found

I was lost in the hustle and bustle
Of the marketplace to notice within

I went ranting and raving in agony
In amnesia I wallowed in self pity

Sitting near a great treasure trove
My ego could not gauge it's worth

I went to the fakir complaining about my fate
The fakir asked me if I have gone insane

"I have given you the best and yet" he said
"You fail to see this angel who stands beside"

The fakir asked me to blot out the noise from the mind
And asked me to listen to what my heart was saying

As I looked within forgetting myself, I saw
Only you and heard your name in every heartbeat

I realized what a fool I had been, complaining for no reason
In pain and agony I forgot to notice your beloved comforting presence

Lost am I always now in thoughts of loving you
There is no thought but blissful gratitude in my heart

Gone is this feeling that "I" want this and "I" want that
All that remains in the heart is "we" want each other

Day after day I love you more and more
This love is infinite how can anyone measure

I ask god to remove selfish thoughts from my ego
And all that remains is blissful thoughts about you

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