Monday, December 28, 2015

Fiery embers

Fiery embers were all that remained
Of the being that craved for nothing but love

I came to this world as fuel to feed this all consuming flame
A flame so dastardly that it consumes pure love anywhere

Caught in a world of circumstances, I was told I am not good enough
I was asked to jump into the inferno, taking a leap of faith

I was the swan in the lake full of many a duckling
I was told that I am destined to be an ugly duckling

I heard about all the imperfections in me and my home with patience
And yet when I said a word I was branded an infidel and burnt at stake

I feel one with Hallaj, who was tortured unto death in a gibbet
I feel like Shams who flew from Tabrez, to be skinned alive with hate

All we did was speak our minds, and yet the beloved is not ready to hear us
When we spoke, we became heretics, sinners of the worst kind in this world

The fakir told me to let go of the caged parrot, squawking and wailing alone
"Give the cage to me, and let me lead you home!" said the fakir

Burning embers was all I was left with, of that once loving heart
Unable to speak, I gave the cage to my murshid for safekeeping

I finally threw the cooling embers into the sea of the fakir
I lost myself in my fakir's ocean forgetting the river where I swam

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