Saturday, July 14, 2012

The fanatic

He lived life with great zeal
Religion was for him a big deal

His preachers praised many a fighters
Destroyers of temples and idolators

His mind imbibed the great big idea
That if he converted everyone the world would be utopia

Forgotten was kindness, compassion and equality
It was meant for people belonging to his religion only

Some of his brethren fought the idolators
With bombs, grenades and machine guns

Some incited debates with twisted logic
And converted many dullards as if by magic

He was infuriated with people who refused his founder
And he was incensed with those who continued to wander

His faith was the only faith
His god was the only god

Another preacher promised Paradise
For those who performed the ultimate sacrifice

He therefore went to the country in the west
For believers it was the ultimate nest

He was trained by many of his brethren
They thought him to kill without concern

He headed of to the country of the heathen
Full of anticipation of reaching heaven

With the support of the local brethren
He went to explode many a pagan

He blew himself up in an instant
Attacks like this on peaceful denizens had become constant

His subtle body left with two fearsome guards
He left in lustful anticipation for his supposed rewards

They poked and scared him  into fainting
He finally arose scared and sweating

He saw in the distance dark reeking fumes
He was wading next in a river of blood and pus

He went in front of a dark lord who
Recounted every one of his sins anew

The slayer of the idolators now suffered
Intolerable miseries a hundredfold

After innumerable and unbearable tortures
He was born again and again as several insects

In each and every birth he was stomped on
By the very idolator he wanted to trod upon!

After many such intolerable sufferings
As an animal he came upon a sage with noble bearings

The sage saw that the animal had suffered enough
Blessed him to be born as a human again

But the laws of God are just
What goes around, comes around

He was born in the family of a religion
Who had rejected the founder of his religion

He went once to a cafe for a drink
One of his 'brethren' blew him up in a brink!

Let this be a lesson to all believers of any religion
Live a life filled with love and compassion

If hate and enmity fuel your life
You will rot in hell for all your strife

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