Thursday, May 24, 2012

When the dervish tries to sleep

When the dervish tries to sleep at night
Under the cool rays of the moon lit night

If perchance he remembers the Murshid
Then the beloved comes and robs him of his sleep

The sweet scent of the beloved comes wafting
Through all directions into the dervish's hut

And the dervish becomes still as stone
In each breath he inhales and exhales your sweet scent

In each thought is your remembrance
It immediately puts him into a trance

Throwing aside the blanket of this world
He starts dancing to your song of love

He whirls and whirls out of his humble hut
And out into the night he bathes in your divine light

Who but who can understand this intoxication
The travelers on the distant road look in consternation

For A drunkard or a madman dances alone in the night
They turn away from the seeker and walk away in fright

Are you really alone oh Dervish, I ask?
For are you not performing your holy task?

Are you not whirling into the beloved's arms?
As you whirl your arms seem to embrace the very heavens

And yet one wonders where is the Murshid?
And where is his Murid's beloved?

And the dervish's form melts
where the earth meets the skies

There remains only the sweet scent of the beloved
Along with the cool moonlight of grace from the Murshid

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