Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I seek the gardener!

I seek the gardener of a blissful paradise
Not knowing which path to traverse

I seek not the clear streams in the paradise
Or the bountiful fruits, excessive in sweetness

I seek only the gardener of the paradise
Who is immeasurable happiness personified

Seeking , I run headlong into the moon faced one
Her beauty envelopes my mind and soul

Thinking of her I am led astray
From where I am supposed to go

Her intoxicating glances afflict me severely
I cower in a corner like one running away from a storm

When I cower like this cometh the Fakir who says
Hold onto your bolster and you will reach the gardener

Understanding his words I cling to his feet
For it dawns upon me that he is the Murshid

Only then do I realize that I am in that very paradise
And the Murshid is none other than the gardener!

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