Tuesday, August 18, 2015


I crave for love from my beloved
I beg for it like the fakir begs his meals

I see only darkness and melancholy
When I do not get to hold you in my arms

And yet no one, not even you are able to understand
How much I pine for you and how I long to be with you

A moment alone with my beloved seems unattainable
Life seems to drag on without your blessed company

Those rare moments when I am alone with you
Those rare moments when I feel I can finally be happy

The ego in you accosts the ego in me and you go away
And then you go into the dream world leaving me sleepless

I lay in the bed staring listlessly at the roof wondering
When will I ever get to be with you oh, beloved!

And my heart bleeds at the realization that
This love of mine feels unrequited

Wounded and teary eyed, I wait for you to show mercy
And satisfy this longing by holding me in your arms

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