Monday, August 17, 2015

I seek the beloved

The people moving in and around me
Become blurred images in the fading sun

The people metamorphose into moving shapes
Strange fractals coming out of nothing and moving into nothing

Amidst the moving apparitions I try to spot the beloved
It seems like looking for a needle in a haystack

In the whispers of the night, my ears wait
To hear your mellifluous voice drown the distant din

And yet all I hear is  distant cacophony
All I see is colorful blurs in the fading light

And yet, I continue the journey into the night
Where dreary darkness seems to be all I see

Hoping to see Sunrise in the form of your love
Hoping to be in the healing presence of your beauty

As I amble around in the darkness unable to find my way
Suddenly I see hope in the horizon by the sight of the rising Sun

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