When I saw you I stood transfixed
The feelings withing me were mixed
I was feeling thrilled
At the same time I felt worried
By my good fortune it was
A few brief meetings came to pass
I kept contemplating all day on thee
Morning, noon and night you were before me
You had become my beloved
This was what in my mind I conceived
However, try as hard as i might
When I saw you, my eyes would be shut tight
To breathe would be an effort
You would be like an enemy outside my fort
Futile for this to continue it seemed
My desires all seemed to be doomed
What is it that I like in thee?
How did you do this to me?
What is it in you that I seek?
What is it that makes me weak?
This I searched all around me
What is it that is within thee
Only to find that what is within thee
Is also what is within me
Where are you, but inside me
Where am I, but inside you
The beauty is in everyone
The source of everything is only one
This source is my beloved truly
I have sought you in every life nearly
Within me is my beloved
Also within the planets and stars that revolved
I am everywhere and so are you
This is said always, but known by few
You are me
and I am thee
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