Into the labyrinth through an entrance unique
Came I to find my way to the monster of Crete
To destroy him was my mission
With a sword was what was my decision
However confused i got about how to get him
Ignoring the labyrinth, I thought should kill him
I got lost in the labyrinth but did not care
He chased me and I ran from him like a hare
In trying to destroy the Minotaur
I was confronted by the cyclops and the centaur
I was hopelessly lost in the labyrinth
Starving and hapless to the Minotaur's mirth
Was I to be his next meal
My fears looked real
I prayed to Zeus to help me
Out of this ordeal out he should get me
Ignore not the labyrinth said he
Focus on where you are going he told me
I concentrated on the maze
No more was I in a daze
To my help came Ulysses
With him was Aeschylus
Got rid they did of the cyclops and the Centaur
I went out to get the Minotaur
I focused on my way
Figured out how to see the light of the day
From Hades realm I came back to earth
Now there seemed to be no more dearth
I reached the the Minotaur's realm
Used the sword of discrimination and stayed calm
He was stuck by the heavenly Thunderbolt
I ended up the victor of the fight
After that I emerged out of the Maze somewhere
Only to find that I was everywhere
I realized that ignoring the maze
Will only leave one in a daze
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