Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Do not take yourself and your time lightly

A realization dawned upon me today. Balance is needed everywhere in life. Without balance there is sure to be dire consequences. People say one should have good work life balance. Some say do not spend too much time in the office as you will remember the time spent with your family more than the time spent at the office. But going by this mantra one invites one's destruction. 

This reminds me of a time when I delved into spiritual books. I used to breathe spiritual books. Not properly understanding the concepts therein, It gave my ego a boost and it was an excuse for not doing one's work. 

While spirituality, family, work, tv, books, food, travel everything is like an ingredient required to cook the perfect meal. Too much of something can spoil the meal. I have often neglected work over spirituality once and now I sometimes feel I am neglecting it over family. No one asked me to neglect anything. It is just that I do not have the guts to say no. I take it lightly and make others think my work is inconsequential. I think none of us should make this mistake. Let us understand that we all have our work and we all are busy. While one should not let work rule one's life, it makes no sense to sacrifice that and become the average Joe. So folks, know that you are important. Know that your time is important. I hope Sainath makes me understand this golden concept and brings about a shift in my thinking and attitude towards work and life.

Friday, November 20, 2015


I see a lion every day in life
I see a hero who has battled every strife

My oldest memory of you is of bravery
And of fighting insurmountable odds and coming on top

Problems spiritual, material or physical
You have looked them in the eye and battled on

You have become a favourite in Sainath's court
You are out to unearth the secret of adi Guru

The various forms of Lord Sripada are recognised and worshipped by you
You have devoutly worshipped the Lord with the nine forms of consecrated food

When the chips are down,you have stood like a rock
Filling yourself and others with immense positivity

Sharath, the servant of Sai says you are a great gift of the Sadguru
You have inspired many to tackle life head on

Pure science taught by you but is a part of life giving education
That you provide to everyone irrespective of their age,race and color

You stand with fierce awesome energy like Dronacharya of yore
This is a humble attempt to describe my love for you

- Happy birthday Dad

Monday, November 9, 2015

Weathering the storm!

You danced in my heart when the flowers bloomed
The skies smiled down at us and the sun rays mellowed

In this fair weather you showered me with your love
And your cuddling and love filled my treasure trove

Seasons came and went and the skies became cloudy
Not all the time can one expect fair weather in this world

A massive thunderstorm lashed at our cottage of love
Against the forces of nature I struggled to stay adrift

My coffers of love were crushed in the storm
And I came to your blessed presence for comfort

Unfortunately you have to bear the brunt of the storm with me
The flowers and the cool breeze seem like a distant dream

When I crave for your love the most, you tell me you need a break
You try to set me right like a machine devoid of any emotion

And it leaves me wondering, had the storm lashed on your palace
Would I have uttered the same words and gone away in a huff

We come alone and we go alone in this world  that is the truth
We have others around us only when there is fair weather

The 'beloved' is but an illusion of the foolish inebriated mind
One has to weather the storm all by oneself!


Why pray, do you fear?  Why do your limbs shudder?  Do you fear losing something or someone? Do you fear temporal and spatial se...