Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Lonely Road

So near it appears yet so far away it exists
This craving for love and unrequited wishes persists

I left my abode to stay in a hovel dark and brooding
My love for you made me build you mansions of love

While you roamed freely in the world
I was chained in the dungeon of your longing

I left the lonely road I had traveled thus far
To enjoy the joys of your blessed company

And yet this transient joy vaporizes into hollow emptiness
The moment you do not get every little thing you desire

I suffer immense tortures untold when you close your doors on me
I suffer great physical and mental agony sleeping alone in the hovel

And I see the path suddenly merge into the lonely road
And realize that lonely is all one is in this wicked world

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Remember Love And forget all else!

My imagination takes flights of fantasy
Thinking of your lovely presence in my arms

And yet you start thinking of obstacles
And you think vengefully of the past

You try to disguise your dissent and
Convince me that we will be denied happiness

Why do you not quench your thirst in the river
But look at the dry banks and complain of thirst

Quit your hate created by unwanted bias
And listen to the language of love in your heart

Listen not to the vengeful voice seeking to get back
But instead satisfy this longing of mine by hugging me tight 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Eternal Love

Words come and words go
Some pleasing and others hurt us too

Oblivious to all this is my love for you
Like the eternal witness who resides in all

And yet the ego in you and I
Forgets this love when on a high

The wise ones have always said
Words and actions forgive and forget

And yet why oh beloved this propensity
Vengeance has never made anyone happy

Let us desert the little streams of ego
And dissolve in the eternal ocean of love


Why pray, do you fear?  Why do your limbs shudder?  Do you fear losing something or someone? Do you fear temporal and spatial se...