Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The path to the unknown!

I travel an unknown path, carrying a bag containing worries
Along with fears and expectations, I move with uncertainity

I look hopefully with each sunrise towards the horizon
Hoping that the next step I could let go of my bag

The bag makes each step I tread very heavy
And yet the armor of faith and prayer keeps me moving

I look to the sun and wind for directions during the day
And in the night I am guided by the starry sky

And yet there are times when this bag becomes really heavy
And I drop it for a moment and sit in the shade of the banyan tree

The next moment I am in the sand dunes of Giza
Gazing at the Pyramids of Khafre and the Spinx

I see the priests embalming a body to mummify
The ancient ritual being taught by Osiris

I see the secret tome of knowledge from the fabled Atlantis
Hidden in a chamber beneath the ancient spinx

I try to find my way to unearth this secret knowledge
It feels as though my dream is about to come true

When I wake up to  the golden rays of the sun
Under the very same tree with my bag next to me

I streach and yawn and look at the unkown path before me
Wearing my armor of faith I again tread the path with the bag

With a secret longing that maybe sometime in the future
All my dreams will come true and I will be redeemed

Maybe in a few steps or a thousand steps more
I could finally let go of my bag and just be

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