This article isn't about wrestling.It's about time! Time! That all elusive, mysterious, all consuming entity. People have gone insane trying to unearth it's secrets. Few have lived to tell the tale. The one's who utilized it well have etched their name in people's memories for all time. Time management is a difficult topic, a difficult topic for those who do not respect time. And I am by no means an authority when it comes to time management. I have never had the hurried fervor of the Greek heroes of antiquity who wanted to immortalize their names. I am not even like the ascetic who shamed Alexander the great and asked him to sit still and just be! I am just the common man, with lots of desires, ambitions. I love to go on long drives! I want to take a bike and ride all over the world. I want to become the very best at what I do! And yet I am lazy as hell. When confronted with some free time, I would rather lie on my bed and read some detective novel or play video games. But you know what they say, people who have suffered defeats can become excellent coaches, because they know very well what can bring you down. I am one such ambitious man who has been way led by his own disrespect for his time.
I have noticed time and again, that when you do not respect your priorities, nobody respects them for you. People get so accustomed to having you slave over them that they forget that you too have a life. Your life is one of compromises everywhere. Then all you will ever be will be the average Joe, whom no one remembers. I was stunned at how easily I give up my own work and time just to please others. Be it at the office or at home. Then what is left of my life. Is it always one of doing what others want you to do? Is there no end to this slavery? Is one to be bound and humiliated for all eternity?
I would get angry at people when they disrespected my time. But I would find that they are doing this because subliminally they are getting the message that I do not respect my time. I easily give in to their demands. So why bother. Tell this loser at the last minute that I want him to drive me around town and do my bidding. And when I rebel and ask why am I treated this way, the people in turn growl back at me like a rabid dog! I guess I cannot blame them. I have created this situation for myself. So I am now going to go about trying new strategies to respect my time and to let people know that they cannot walk all over me. Friends, if you are like me, if you are that nice guy who wants to win a Nobel peace prize..Forget it! Nice guys do not get Nobel Peace prize all the time. If you do not believe me, look at the list of all the Nobel Peace Prize winners.
So friends, remember this..Time is important. And tell that average Joe inside you who tries to make everyone happy "Your time is up! My time is now!" . Become better than what you were yesterday. Compete against yourself. Do not blame the world for treating you like trash. Make them take notice and win accolades!
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