Wednesday, July 15, 2015

look into the gateways of my soul

As I sat one evening gazing listlessly
At the beauty of the endless night sky

My beloved said "hearken unto me"
And showed me images of my youthful beauty

Lost were those glorious manes, why oh why
In the bygone era was the face so fair and unmarred 

As I sat unable to fathom the meaning of it all
Remembering the good old days when victory was at my feet

Then came to my mind the dark days when things fell asunder
Battered and bruised was I by many a storm

And yet as I returned home shipwrecked and heart broken
Your presence was a healing balm to all my woes

And yet you show me pictures from ages ago
Look deep into my pain filled eyes I say

And do you not see the same set of eyes
Look into the gateways to my soul, to see how deep is my love for you! 

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