I wanted to become rich and famous
I went to one rich city after another
I was dazzled by the wares of the merchants
I spent considerable time haggling with the merchants
Trying to buy articles I really did not need
On the way I saw the emperor of the Universe
In the guise of a beggar seeking alms
I was enamored by the face and sought his help
He took me back home and asked me to sit quiet
In exchange for 2 coins he gave me the world
I wanted to sing of my beloved and share my wealth
"Sit still" said my liege, "speak only if required!"
I sat still drinking the intoxicating rays of the moon
I ran out unrestrained to the point
I ran out unrestrained to the point
Where the starry heavens kissed the earth
And I whirled and danced like the galaxies and star dust
Much to the consternation of the merchants of the city
"Which drink has intoxicated this rogue?" they asked
The wine of my beloved's presence I replied!
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