As I mentioned in my previous post I was alarmed by the growth of intolerance in people following the organized religions of the west. It reminded me of a funny story that my history teacher told me in High school.
My teacher came from an area where preachers belonging to a certain religion had started trying to convert 'heathens' into their religion. The activity of these demonic preachers had started a very long time ago!
My teacher once came across a congregation of people at an open field. A makeshift stage was erected and all the poor people of the village were assembled there being lured with money,food, drink and 'enlightenment'. Curious to see what was going on, my teacher went and sat amongst the audience.
The preacher holding aloft his book and wearing his religious symbols glanced at the crowd. "It should be fairly easy to fool these gullible uneducated fools!" he thought. "They know not anything about their own heathen religion! It should be fairly easy to lure them into my way of worship, which of course is the true way of worshiping!" So thinking and with a lot of confidence he began to speak.
"My brothers and sisters, I thank you for coming to this congregation! Let me tell you a true story that is most interesting!". My teacher began thinking "Probably he will tell the story of how his religion began! I already know this story! Why should I waste my time listening to it! Let me go home and listen to the cricket match on radio!".
However the next few words from the preacher was strange and weird thus riveting my teacher's attention. Bemused he began to hear the preacher ramble!
"One day a cat started chasing a mouse!" started the preacher. "A plausible true story" thought my teacher. "The cat finally cornered the mouse!" said the preacher. "Hmm..this is likely to happen as well!" thought my teacher, "but where is this idiot going with this story?" wondered my teacher.
"Cornered and in fear for his life, the mouse started praying" said the preacher! "Praying?" thought my teacher! "Now I do not know if this part is true!".
"First the mouse prayed to Lord Rama!But in vain for though it called out to him Rama did not come!" said the preacher!
"What a mouse! It had read the Ramayana and knew how to pray to Rama! What intelligence! And what's more miraculous, is how did this idiot of a preacher know what was going on in the mouse's mind?" my teacher thought with a smile on his face.
"Then the mouse prayed to Lord Krishna! But again it was in vain for he too did not appear before the mouse!" continued the intolerant preacher!
"It had read the Mahabharata and the Bhagavata too? This is getting more and more interesting!" thought my teacher.
"Finally the mouse prayed to ****s ! And lo! He being the only merciful Lord, he appeared immediately!" Said the intolerant preacher triumphantly, having put the final nail in the coffin. "Only one or two more sentences and I will have converted this ugly lot!" he thought!
My teacher was quick witted and had a mercurial temper. Even when we were in school we feared his wrath when he became upset!Now coming back to the congregation, my teacher immediately saw where the idiot of a preacher was going with his story and immediately completed his story for him!
In anger he shouted "That's right! ****s came and he killed the mouse and ate the cat!" ("Haudu! ****s banda ilina saysda matte bekkanna thinda!" in Kannada) he shouted in Kannada. The crowd heard this funny retort and immediately burst into laughter!
The preacher was the laughing stock!He realized that no one was getting converted today! Seeking out my teacher he glared at him and angrily shouted "Aye! How dare you commit such a sacrilege by insulting the Lord! I shall complain to the police!". My teacher nonchalantly replied "Sure! While you are at it, why don't you tell him the whole story!"
The preacher realized that it was check mate! He had lost the battle! If he were to inform the police of what my teacher said, he also had to tell the police about what he said about Lord Rama and Lord Krishna! Himself least bothered about insulting God, he was disturbed and what my teacher said was sacrilege to him!
This is how the preachers are! This is how their double standards are! Whether they are really evil or they are brain washed, I do not know! But they sure are enemies of Humanity! I hope more and more people get to know about their evil intent and stop following rigid, intolerant and wicked doctrines!